This is a brand new project that I'm working on. As such, your feedback is appreciated. Thank you!
Your answers to the practice questions are not collected or stored anywhere. There is no penalty for guessing or getting questions wrong here. This is purely a resource for you to practice. Questions here do not necessarily reflect the type of questions that you will see on exams, but highlight important concepts to understand.
Feedback ideas:
Since all of the answers give instant feedback, it's best to first try and answer the questions til you get it right. If you can't figure it out, then start using your notes to find out where the topic was talked about in lecture or in the book. If all else fails, you can look at the answer key for the explanation.
Most answers are composed of 2 parts, "Essentials" and "Additional Information". The "Essentials" section has the main idea behind the question and explains why the answer is correct. The "Additional Information" section has related information that gives a more complete picture of the topic.